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Dhaka Driving School

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Dhaka Driving School

ঢাকা ড্রাইভিং স্কুল

বর্তমান নগর সভ্যতার যুগে মোটর ড্রাইভিং জানা একান্ত অপরিহার্য। উন্নত বিশ্বে ড্রাইভিং না জানা লোক পঙ্গু ব্যক্তির সমান হিসাবে বিবেচিত হয়। আমাদের দেশেও বর্তমানে ড্রাইভিং এর চাহিদা ব্যাপক।
ছাত্র-ছাত্রী, চাকুরীজীবি, পেশাজীবি ও মহিলাসহ সকলেই একান্ত ইচ্ছা থাকা সত্ত্বেও ড্রাইভিং শেখার উপযুক্ত পরিবেশের অভাবে ড্রাইভিং শিখছেন না। অনেকেই তথাকথিত ওস্তাত ধরে ড্রাইভিং শিখেন, ফলে স্টিয়ারিং ধরা ও ঘুরানো ড্রাইভার হওয়া যায় বটে, কিন্তু ট্রাফিক সিগন্যাল সহ অন্যান্য মৌলিক জ্ঞান সম্পর্কে থাকেন অজ্ঞ। আমরা এখানে একজন ড্রাইভিং শিক্ষার্থীকে প্রশিক্ষণ প্রাপ্ত ও অভিজ্ঞ প্রশিক্ষক দ্বারা অল্প সময়ে যত্ন সহকারে ট্রাফিক সিগন্যাল ও হালকা মেকানিজম সহ প্রশিক্ষণ দিয়ে থাকি।

Benefits Of Training

With US

Dhaka Driving School

Safe Driving

You don't Just Learn to drive, but to drive safe with our expert Trainer

Driving Simulator

Learn an on-road driving Experience with our experienced Trainer.

Personalised Courses

Design a well Organized Courses for our valuable clients.

Expert Trainers

Design a well Organized Courses for our valuable clients.

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Dhaka Driving School

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Traffic Rules & Advice

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Based on 482 reviews
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Faisal Kamal Hossain
10:37 10 Feb 25
Is good . Mozid uncel is very honest
Is very good . Mozid uncel is very honest 🙂
nibir barai
04:38 10 Feb 25
Md: Majid sir is very good and ignorant teacher. After only 10-12 days of learning, I was able to open my hands and drive without fear. Hopefully after completing the course with Majid sir, I will be able to gain better experience in driving.
Md. Hazrat
01:37 10 Feb 25
Farid Ahmed Prince
11:03 09 Feb 25
Is very goodAnd mozid uncle is very honest🙂
habiba tanni
19:55 05 Feb 25
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Excellent Instructor!Abdul Mozid uncle is patient, professional, and an amazing teacher. His clear instructions and supportive approach made learning to drive easy and stress-free. Highly recommended!
Sabina Yasmin
10:56 04 Feb 25
I went there with low confidence. I was too concerned about safety issues that it was difficult to train me. My trainer MD Abdul Mazid made it for me by beating my fearful thoughts about driving. Also their theory classes are great. So grateful to the team of Dhaka Driving School. Wishing it’s all success.
Mahadir Omer Fahad
06:08 02 Feb 25
Dhaka Driving School is excellent. Its instructor, Mr. Majid Bhai is a very proficient instructor and a good driving guide. I wish them all the best…
Mafroja Akhter
06:28 30 Jan 25
My instructor, Abdul Mujid Bhai, is very nice and is a great driver. I really enjoyed while also learning the whole process. It took me less than 5 classes to learn proper driving. I really recommend this place.
Sadman Sakib
02:42 26 Jan 25
Today was my first day at Dhaka Driving School, and it was a great experience! My instructor, Mr. Sagor, is not only highly qualified but also a really nice person. He made the whole session comfortable and easy to follow. Overall, I’m really happy with how things went and looking forward to the next lessons!
Nayim Uddin
00:36 24 Oct 23
good drivingschool
Ismail hossain
10:49 12 Oct 23
Good driving school
Sagar Bhai good trainer good Driving School Dhaka
Md Biplob
03:04 09 Oct 23
Good driving school in dhaka
Pranta Das
01:16 06 Oct 23
good driving schoolcheese tales
Nadim Ahmed
04:36 29 Sep 23
I had trained almost 3 masters. They are very helpful and funny to train. Mainly people learn 14-15 days to drive fully whereas as their good reliance I learnt almost 7 days in full course. Specially thanks to Mohammad Shahanur Ostadjii💗💗
Washif Ahanaf
05:12 06 Sep 23
The Driving instructor I had is adequately friendly and knowledgeable. He teaches with passion and helps students whom are eager to learn. Do find him if you’re learning driving from here, his name is Shahnoor.
Md momen
10:00 23 Aug 23
I have been learning driving for 1 month. I am enjoying their class , the teachers are really good, specially Mohammad shahnur Bhai . He is friendly and try to give his best. We recommend Dhaka driving school.
Saidul Islam
03:14 23 Aug 23
Dhaka driving school is an unique institution. Here myself learned to drive under Mr. Shahanur. This institutite teach student driving and help them to know the cars details information on engine so vastly.Please come and join this institution to learn proper driving with skill.2
Saidur Rahman
02:36 23 Aug 23
If you want to go to a good driving school, you should go to Dhaka Driving School. The teachers are great, and they know what they're talking about. I would advise anybody who wants to get their license to go here.ostad md sahanur